
Welcome to my blog section where I write about my adventures in eco printing and other artistic pursuits.

I am a talkative person who enjoys sharing information and skills that I've learned over the years. I am especially fond of inspiring others to explore their creative side by engaging in artistic endeavors. That is why I love teaching art to people of all ages!

My hope with this blog is to shed a little more light on my artistic process. Primarily I will focus on Eco Printing by sharing process shots, discussing my findings on pigments, techniques, materials, etc...

Thank for stopping by and if you have some time, stay a little while and maybe get inspired! If you have anything to say about my posts please comment because I would love to hear from you.




Blog, Blog Blog!


    My first post, hello!


    I'm glad you found your way here and decided to explore eco printing with me! It's a very satisfying process which forces you to just go with the flow. No matter how well you know your natural pigments, like what colours a magenta cosmos will yield (it's blue green with orange and yellow in the centre), you will still be pleasantly surprised at the final result.

    Artistically, abstract art is not within my comfort zone. I prefer painting images as you see them, so more realism rather than abstraction, though I love to play with the colours to enhance my subject matter and add a little je ne sais quoi!

        The eco printing process is one which allows me to be more abstract

    It's in the abstraction and loss of control that the magic happens. This is what pulls me in and keeps me coming back for more! Be warned, eco printing is very addictive!

    I hope you will come back for more. This blog will feature process shots and reviews of past prints I've created. As well as exploration of the eco printing process by discussing observations on natural pigments I commonly use to create my pieces.



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