
Welcome to my blog section where I write about my adventures in eco printing and other artistic pursuits.

I am a talkative person who enjoys sharing information and skills that I've learned over the years. I am especially fond of inspiring others to explore their creative side by engaging in artistic endeavors. That is why I love teaching art to people of all ages!

My hope with this blog is to shed a little more light on my artistic process. Primarily I will focus on Eco Printing by sharing process shots, discussing my findings on pigments, techniques, materials, etc...

Thank for stopping by and if you have some time, stay a little while and maybe get inspired! If you have anything to say about my posts please comment because I would love to hear from you.




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    Eco Printing Process


    I've been thinking about where to start if I want to discuss my eco prints and I believe it should be the basics!!!

    Such as:

    • What is an Eco Print?
    • How do you prepare for the process?
    • What is the process?
    • How do you get a final product?

    All valid questions for anyone wanting to know the how!

    1. What is an Eco Print?

    An eco print captures the essence of a plant.

    Meaning the eco printing process transfers the pigment found in a plant onto a surface, such as watercolour paper or fabric.

    2. How do you prepare for the process?

    You will need mordanted paper, a heat source, a container which to boil your eco print, Depending on what surface you are printing on, lets say paper, you will need to mordant the paper first beforehand. Alumium Sulphate (ALUM) is used as a mordant. The forumla is as follows. Add the correct amount of ALUM to a tray of warm water. Add your paper then fill with more water so it covers the paper. Let soak for an hour. After an hour drain then dry. Now the paper is ready to use!

    3. What is the process?



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